
23 Things for Archivists

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Saved by Kathryn Otto
on December 26, 2012 at 1:13:06 pm

What is 23 Things for Archivists?

We’re glad you asked! Following are the original 23 “Things”and now many more Thingsfor you to explore, experiment with, and learn about the new and emerging technologies that are changing how information is used and created on the Internet today. Some of the “Things” might be useful in your work, some for sharing work (perhaps you serve on a committee), or for promoting your archives.


This is a self-discovery program that allows participants to take control of their own learning. You can work at home or at work, alone or in a group, at your own pace as you have time. You are encouraged to share your discoveries and insights with others through your blog postings.


Read each Thing in its entirety so you understand the activities. Feel free to skip a Thing if you are already familiar with it (but maybe blog about your experiences anyway).


Now jump in and have fun learning!


Here are the "Things":

  • Thing 1: Blogging
  • Thing 2: Online Chat 
  • Thing 3: What is Web 2.0?
  • Thing 4: RSS and RSS Feedreaders
  • Thing 5: Online Presentation Sharing (Slideshow)
  • Thing 6: Social Networking (Facebook) 
  • Thing 7: Professional/Career Networking (LinkedIn)
  • Thing 8: Microblogging (Twitter)
  • Thing 9: URL Shorteners
  • Thing 10: Photo Sharing (Flickr)
  • Thing 11: Geotagging
  • Thing 12 Creative Commons
  • Thing 13: Image Generators/Mashups
  • Thing 14: Facebook Apps
  • Thing 15: Widgets
  • Thing 16: Podcasting/Vodcasting
  • Thing 17: Video Slideshows (Animoto)
  • Thing 18: Video Sharing (YouTube, Vimeo)
  • Thing 19: Online Timelines
  • Thing 20: Social Bookmarking
  • Thing 21: Wikis
  • Thing 22: Google Docs
  • Thing 23: Online Surveys 


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