
Thing 29: More Social Networking (RockMelt)

Page history last edited by Karla Irwin 11 years, 7 months ago

By Alexandra Krensky


At this point, you’ve learned how to engage with social media like Facebook, microblog with Twitter, and keep up with the latest news and your colleagues with RSS feeds. Now there’s a browser that can help you to keep up with all of them at once! RockMelt is an open-source browser based on Chromium, the same browser Google Chrome is based on. RockMelt is designed to integrate social networking into your web browsing by making it so that you don’t need to leave the page you’re reading to get updates.



When you login to RockMelt, it will ask for your Facebook login information so that it can integrate seamlessly with the social networking site. On the left side of your screen a toolbar (pictured below) shows you how many new Facebook, Twitter, or RSS feed posts you have. 



As you can see, when you click on the Facebook icon (or any other icon) you can see your feed without having to navigate away from the page you are currently browsing. The right side of the screen will show Facebook friends who are online, and allow you to chat with them, also without leaving your current page.


Facebook, Twitter, and RSS feeds integrate with RockMelt, but because the browser is so new and social media is constantly evolving, you should keep up with their blog in order to stay up to date on the latest updates.




  • Download RockMelt and login with with your institutional Facebook username and password.
  • Subscribe to RSS feeds through RockMelt’s interface (see Resources). Try any archives blogs you may have subscribed to in Thing 4.



Blog Prompts


  • Write about your experience using RockMelt.
  • Do you find it helpful to browse this way?
  • Is this something you’d use primarily yourself, or would you use it for work too?
  • Are there other types of social media you’d like to see integrated into the browser?






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